Indy Cow (for Max)

I knew a cow whose fur was made of sparks.
Because of this, he found that he’d been banned from many parks.
He longed to get into Comiskey.
But secret service found him frisky.
So, on his birthday, he drank whiskey.
And later tried to buy some weed from narcs.

He’s an indy cow. Indy cow.
And his yellow belly longs for peace.
He loves Indy chow. Indy chow.
His intestines sing selected songs from "Grease."

choose song & import video now

NOTE: Indy cow can be any religion or sexual persuasion
He’s available for birthday fun or any old occasion

Buy tickets now for next month’s one cow performance:
"I sold my soul to Nike and became some Jordan Airs."

Phil Ochs Died For Our Sins 4/9/76

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.