Richard Young’s 1974 poetry collection titled “Red Tin Noodles”

As we near the second anniversary of his passing, Rick’s family wanted to share some of his earlier work.

Below is a full-text transcript of the printed 1974 poetry collection Rick Young’s Red Tin Noodles.

Headings represent the page structure. You can also view PDF copy of the printed edition.

Cover Image

Richard Young's 1974 poetry collection titled "Red Tin Noodles"

Cover illustration by Scituate artist and woodcarver Paul McCarthy (view the cover larger)

Title Page

Red Tin Noodles
Some poems by Richard Young/1974
Copyright pending 1977-78.



only everyone knows

the madman is miffed.
what with all the garbage talk on
broken circles, and the cylinder’s
strange affrontry, but no one is
to blame
save the lighter of the candles,
that rare combination of sunbeam
and cripple who will happily confess
to each new epidemic of genocide.
the madman whose ceiling shadows
call down to him in sing-sing shades,
in square roots of dimension and
ascension titillations until
light prevails
and he is downtown again, buying
sanity with rubber checks.
the madman.


The collision of thought trains

Sent out for judgment
in the careless thrashing
for love, by the duck feet
upside down in the pond
below the spastic bridge,
where the dots flow round,
unending and untouching,
and stranded halfway there
with a ripped ticket, with
the glass-eyed egg of doubt
beginning to run from
its cracks like a tear duct
glanced by holy fire,
four lines, which would be
square in certain senses,
boxed to depth by others,
implore the invasion
of space with the energy
of a painting in revolt
against its frame.


the jazz

under this noise
is a green woman’s veil/
dangling scorpion legs
hang from the throat
of a bass clarinet/
her wooden nails/
your drunken cymbals/
hiss the poison mirage
over smoking bedposts/
and the muscle strings/
like piano brains on fire/
explode into sand/
where the insect mate
is waiting for the desert
bride to unwrap herself/
from your music/
from the chamber of sighs
where you smoulder/
like a sultan in the heat
of a black vinyl sun/
puffing on a camel


Parking cars in a bottle

An amputee lobs
peas in the roulette wheel.
Young girls squirm,
growing t.v’s, hospital dresses,
skin without light.
We twist the dials of a stone
and the flowers migrate.
A small hand knocks
the ceiling through the floor.


Plumfree and his Gog

Plumfree uncracks his great cape with a bolt.
Knowing nothing about nothing, he is spared the misery
we feel when the dog farts on the sofa or
the cats run off with Grandpa’s favorite truss.
Look at us, he smiles, and we can’t help but think
back to what Gog said before he was choked to death
by an unfriendly seat belt: “The light bulbs are pawning
their filaments at darkshops on the water’s edge, to old men
drifting in a boat made out of sparks. And the sea is now
nothing but a wastebasket for our dreams.” Dear Gog,
but no one knew him save Plumfree, who tells his stories
around the sad fire, tales of men who wouldn’t believe
the woods, who scoffed at the baffling talk of the trees,
saying, “Where are their Xs’ and O’s?” while Gog was out
winding clocks inside the acorns. Plumfree says his body
is a mass of sacred animals, but never lets us see.
We say, “Just one tiny peek, old friend?” and drop our holy
nickles in his rice. And he says, “That’s not nice,”
and relates the parable of the smokestacks, reminding us
that “Gog died for our coins.” Then he paints a picture
of the divine smog flash that would start the heart.
Yes, Plumfree is an interesting guy to have around,
him and his Gog. Of course, we don’t believe him, but he
loves us anyway, knowing nothing about nothing as he does.


Two Gravesites

This is the asparagus cemetery,
where old vegetables cultivate their last rites
along the green-rowed carpet of their kitchen hours;
where young heads pop like leeks from the ground,
then dig back down in wisdom,
whispering, “the world is winter,”
as the elders eat themselves, stalk to stalk, into hunger.

The sign reads:
“There will be no baseball playing in the asparagus cemetery.”
And above this:
“There will be asparagus playing in the baseball cemetery.”

The baseball cemetery is a round plot of land
at the bottom of Suitcase Mountain
where every sphere that has ever passed through the time warp
of a window pane or outfield cloud finally comes to rest.
When the sun ever shines, the sweet trill of asparagus voices
can be heard as they run diamond circles
around the stagnant horsehide lumps, slowly retiring to earth.

And the sign reads:
“Coke is cheap. Please don’t eat the players.”
And above this:
“The happiest gravesite in the world.”


The weak of love

One by two and
Seven by sun,
The weak of love,
Like neglected tornadoes,
Poison bike tracks in
The pollen serenade,
And graze through
The hair trees, singing
Of chiclet farms,
Invented on a spot
In the deft pencil scratch.
Such thin appeasements
For the big eraser.


Ravishers of the sunrise

the day is so short
on your side of sight
where the body ends
with the body

o beautiful forsaken skies
nothing more for the eyes
of those who love one
not for the other

you seem so removed
from the general death
of the sad land
like a marble poster

raised above the eye’s vision
to blot the source you worship
so every morning the face
has your name on it

o sino paradisia
where the flowers fall
where the dead fall
where the most you can ask
is the least we can give


The red crusader

Outlandishly soft,
as no seminary for nature’s
burrs could ever be,
sent back to memory, only,
but enough.
Like silent bell claps
some can hear, he walks
away in rhyme.

His eyebrows form
a cloud line, better
mountains should the world
go flat again; and
his trace dissolves
to cross halves,
touching lightly on the
ground to wait for sentence,
feather penance for the poor
who touched his hand
before the death.

Walk away, red morning!

In the waning starboard sky,
he is the brightest of thieves.


Heart mountains and stone fires

The love face has weathered to shards,
an outlaw poster sifted through ghost towns,
a threadbare noose of polaroid now
wired to the echo of some south-running train
and fallen down across a dirty plate,
where even vermin cannot glut for fear
(where red mouths slash the lion’s sleep
with gleaming tongue pestles of ice).

The fire burns black by the road edge
like a monument to simple dying stars,
a gift for those meant to miss their way,
lost among the map veins of the love face
and climbing up forever over empty hills
where buzzards fight with jackals for their food
(where the blood born in the eyes of wild babies
is slapped to death by endless cries of night).


Cave dweller

If I had a red pen
I would write
this on the roof of my mouth,
inviting all the love cave dwellers
to come borrowing through.
Back out through the teeth
of nothing,
they would have to invent.
How did you like the cloud straddling
the wall of empty pockets, they could say.
Or they could say nothing,
and be right,
and be right,
just hum some joke about the Tartar invasion,
choking their throats with my own signs, say.
Besides, there’s no way I can get
into my own mouth, whole,
pour my heart out on the ceiling
like the chapel of beets,
when I can’t even get into my heart,
much less my mind, or even my cave
now that I can’t go into the darkness
without drowning
in the bloody ink of my own points,
this roof dripping everywhere.


Richard Young September 14, 1947 – September 25, 2022

Rick’s family is sad to share that he passed away.

We will keep this website active, to celebrate his life. Here is a copy of his obituary


Richard Young

SEPTEMBER 14, 1947 – SEPTEMBER 25, 2022

Obituary of Richard Young

Richard (Rick) D. Young, 75, of Scituate, passed away on September 25, 2022. He is survived by his wife and life partner of 55 years, Nancy Murray Young; his son and daughter-in-law, James and Priscilla Young of Scituate; and three grandchildren, Henry (Scituate), Colin (Arcata, CA), and Ava (Chicago, IL).

Born September 14, 1947 in Waterbury, Connecticut, Rick was the only child of Roy C. and Amy Gibson Young. A 1965 graduate of Wilby High School, he played basketball and golf, and also worked in the family business, Young’s Auto Supply.

After attending Boston University for two years, Rick transferred in 1967 to the Cambridge School of Broadcasting (later Grahm Junior College) in Kenmore Square, where he met his wife, Nancy Murray. They married in June 1969. Their son James was born the following year, and they settled in North Scituate, not far from Nancy’s family in Minot.

Rick became a counselor at Cushing Hall Residential School on Tilden Road, where, with kindness, patience, and ingenuity, he quickly cultivated strong, positive relationships with his students.

Still, wanting to be able to do more for the boys, he decided to return to college, graduating with honors from UMass-Amherst, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and English. When Cushing Hall offered him the opportunity to develop a creative arts program for the school, the family moved back to Scituate.

For the next ten years, Rick nurtured and guided his students; weekends often found small groups of the boys at the Young’s house, playing board games or drawing pictures, or piling into the 1968 Dodge Dart with all the bumper stickers and heading to the beach. Although the school closed in 1984, many of Rick’s students have stayed in touch through the years.

From 1984-1988, Rick was a department manager at Herman’s Sporting Goods in Braintree; with his knowledge of baseball and golf he became the “go to” guy for help and information.

Then he was hired by Boston University as Senior Communications Coordinator in the Office of Photo Services, where he became an integral member of a small, dedicated team of exceptional photography professionals.

Shortly after his arrival at B.U., he discovered a room filled with cartons of photographs, dating back many decades. From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Senator Edward Brooke III and Tipper Gore to Geena Davis, Joan Baez, and Robert Parker, there were hundreds of images that traced the history of the university’s distinguished alumni. Over the next couple of years, Rick organized this extraordinary collection, eventually filling dozens of fireproof file cabinets, creating an archive that continued to grow for almost 25 years.

And during those years, hundreds of copies of those photos made their way from the B.U. Archive to authors, newspapers, television programs, documentaries, private collections, museums … and even the Agganis Arena.

A gifted poet and photographer, lifelong baseball fan and card collector, guitarist, and avid reader, what Rick cherished most was spending time with his family and his beloved cats.

Contributions in his memory can be made to the Friends of the Scituate Town Library at, to support Rick’s favorite place in Scituate.

Some of Rick’s poetry can be read at

Disconsolation Prize

Disconsolation has seen inflation without cessation within our nation,
an aberration, collaboration of groups aligned to create devastation.
The new contender, Gov. Ron DeSantis, has all the charm and passion
of an evil praying mantis. He’s shipping immigrants to Edgartown,
making him de facto Florida’s most evil clown. He’d like to be the U.S. Czar
and will not stop at dirty tricks gone too far. As for his party,
they’re a flock of ciphers, who emanate a general sense of dirty diapers.
The country limps toward two Novembers, which in the end could see us left in embers.


There was no election in 2028.
No need, they said, the deed is done.
The country’s been made great.
The New Russian Alliance,
dubbed ‘The BIG NRA,’
will make war cease and enforce peace
the standard MAGA way.
The laws of grab and tell will be
in practice ’round the world.
Our great red hat militia
will have trigger fingers curled.
And in the streets will march
the armies of cloned Rudy Gee,
all leaking oil and destroying
our once brave history.

Seventy Five

Some say seventy-five is three-quarters alive.
I’ll make the best of one-fourth that remains.
They say it sneaks up quietly, old age and all that jive.
My brawn may be long gone, but I’ve got brains.
I can’t run fast. I can’t walk far. I rest after the stairs.
I try to eat food that won’t make me die.
I tend to forget some things but it seems nobody cares.
My sense of humor remains wry and dry.
Don’t want to reach a hundred. I see no sense in that.
To live beyond one’s time’s often a gaffe.
I’ll know time’s drawing near when I can’t pick up a bat.
And that it’s time to go when I can’t laugh.

Books, Cats and a Fine Woman

I’m only one thrombosis away from heaven.
Sat close to death six times, but my lucky number’s seven.
I try to stay out of the sun and avoid all white light.
I sleep and ponder half the day, and stay up half the night.
My raison d’etre is herding cats and keeping dishes washed.
Walking in shoes brings hip pain, thus exercise is quashed.
And so, I’ve turned to reading. And books have saved my life.
I’m happy with my fiction, poetry, felines and wife !

Stop the Spiel

Classified documents are missing.
It’s time to stop Republican ring-kissing.
Remember in November when you’re picking,
these red state liars need a good ass-kicking.
Democracy itself is now at stake.
Vote out the MAGA-morphs for your own sake.
To pass these fiends along to yet another generation
will just continue ruining our country’s reputation.
We can only hope that ’24 will have distinction
as a free election that prevents our own extinction.

The Reign in Ukraine

Goodbye Mikhail Gorbachev,
you sure tore down that wall.
And now your people hate you
for heeding Reagan’s call.
Ronnie pulled the wool, it seems,
o’er unsuspecting eyes.
Began with arms for hostages,
and just continued lies.
And now it’s come to Putin,
our own T-monster’s ‘friend,’
attacking Ukraine’s nuke plant
which could court a grisly end.
Perhaps he’ll get his union back,
reverse history books,
while NATO observes in their fear
and Ukraine slowly cooks.

Under House Arrest

I wear a headband of police tape.
My brain is a crime scene.
Sometimes I say what I don’t think
or think what I don’t mean.
My memory’s a jukebox
full of skipping forty-fives.
Too many tunes, too many tracks,
tied to so many lives.
Awake all night, plagued by my plight,
surrendering by dawn,
I rise at noon, aware that soon
the day is almost gone.
I know that aging’s not a crime,
but it could be much cleaner.
It’s surely not a felony,
perhaps just misdemeanor.

O.G. Sparks Fly

Electronics have no feeling.
Oftentimes they leave you reeling.
One day, just as you had feared,
your password has disappeared.
All your work’s gone into hiding,
with so much upon it riding.
Reestablishing contact
isn’t just a simple act.
Jump through hoops to hit dead end.
Electronics aren’t your friend.
You can’t find some help online.
Your machine can’t hear you whine.
Google tells you, try again.
Welcome to the looney bin.
Fall into a thousand traps,
increase harder keyboard taps,
’til you’re pounding on ‘escape,’
your face purple as a grape.
If electronics could laugh,
you’d break your keyboard in half.
Silently, you hit reboot.
Then you go off on a toot.
Electronics? Just a vapor.
Not your friend like pen and paper.

Fatal Flaw

His castle in Palm Beach, 
called ‘Mar-a-Lago,’ (Sea to Lake),
was home to secret documents
he had no right to take.
Some with top priority,
like info about nukes,
were hidden in a basement
club accessible to kooks.
When asked to give them back,
he didn’t even offer half.
To him, the notion ‘classified’
was nothing but a laugh.
Confronted with an FBI raid
taking back the haul, 
he gave the following excuse
(the man has lots of gall):
“Every President steals things
when forced to leave their post.
So what if I stole a few things.
Obama took the most.”
The man has no conception
 of the notion of the law.
One hopes this proof of treason
just might be his final flaw.

Rat Tales

A church full of rats in elegant hats
were ready to pray to their lord.
The high priest of vermin always gave his sermon
from inside a hollowed-out gourd.
They sang of great scraps and afternoon naps
and filled every one of the pews.
The high priest did squeak, with food in his cheek,
and said, “Vermin, I have some good news.”
It seems the pizza rat, who’d stirred up human chat,
was going to be the guest at next week’s meeting.
He’d bring a map of spill zones and discarded food locales.
The congregation dreamed of better eating.
“He’ll show you a cafe down one dark alleyway
which has amazing food but not much seating.”
The service ended with tails intertwined.
Aside from cats, food preys on a rat’s mind.

No Monkey Business

I’ve suffered through the Ukraine war, 
pandemic and inflation.
The world’s in such a fragile state,
we all need a vacation.
So, wrap me up in shower curtains.
Seal me in a box.
I didn’t come all this long way
to die of monkeypox.

Sun Flake

Could only take ten minutes in the sun.
I’m old enough to know when my skin’s done.
And then, there were the ants,
and me, out in short pants.
All I could do was sing the blues,
and shoo them with my flip-flop shoes.
The outdoors is driving me inside.
Indoors, with cats, I easily abide.
It takes one bad burn to wake.
And I know my skin won’t flake.
The steeper the grade,
the more one needs shade.
Those little round age spots
are all solar made.
Go inside and dream a lake.
Read, write, rest and maybe bake.

The Ballad of Bobby Crimo

Murder chat rooms on the internet
draw one in to crazies not yet met.
Videos of bloodbaths filmed for fun.
Cartoons of a shooter with long gun.
Bobby’s last post was of a beheading.
He’ll get revenge for years of bed-wetting.
With auto rifle he climbed on a roof,
shot random paraders as a goof.
Dead were folks from eight to eighty-five.
Thirty more he wounded might survive.
Captured after uneventful chase,
his mug shot shows sad young sicko’s face.
Reed thin and quite tattoo decorated,
he finally took aim at what he hated.
Called himself a rapper named “Awake,”
strove to cure America’s ‘mistake.’
Though he was a Cub Scout as a kid,
it seems there was an evil side he hid.
When message boards and 4chan brought him out,
he flipped to a much darker side, no doubt.
And so, in Highland Park, he met his fate,
deciding July fourth was the right date.
He put a murder show on for the news.
Too late now were social media clues.
And when the police tracked him down,
he meekly laid out on the ground.
Bobby Crimo had his say.
Seven people dead today.

Kill Fil (Part One)

Kill the filibuster.
That shit has lost its luster.
The next step is abort
the current Supreme Court.
Then take back Roe v Wade
and start to throw some shade.
Come down on Gaetz and friends
who all seek evil ends.
Boebert and M.T. Greene,
and that whole Big Lie scene,
must be erased with haste, not grace,
for this country to change its mien.

Kafka in Hell

Kafka woke to find he’d turned to Putin.
“To hell with all these bugs, let’s start some shootin’!”
Though Metamorphosis was on his brain,
he opted instead to attack Ukraine.
Killing civilians might be wrong and vile,
but he had not one thought about a Trial.
But Franz felt waging war became a hassle,
and wished that he was back home at the Castle.
Transition was a worrisome occurrence.
He wished he’d go back to selling insurance.
War and its hell turned out to be a bother,
worse than his relationship with his father.

Court and Sparks

Supreme Court favors pollution.
It’s their fourth straight bad solution.
Open carry was the first.
Ban abortions was the worst.
Prayer in schools then got its day.
Now climate change deemed okay.
All three right-wing leaning judges
have obscured our laws with smudges.
Their contempt has freedom flinching.
May be they will bring back lynching.

Abortion Aborted

Supreme Court had a field day
taking women’s rights away.
Yesterday, put guns in play.
For tomorrow, who’s to say?
Maybe bring back slavery?
Poor and homeless work for free,
tossed aside like mere debris.
Next they’ll come for you and me.
What to do when justice breaks?
Remind people of the stakes.
Voting big is what it takes.
Weed out all the thieves and rakes.
We can’t turn back centuries.
The right would drive us to our knees.
A strong wind blows from angry seas.
It’s got the public in a squeeze.

The Elephant Gang

Republican isn’t a party any more.
It’s a nasty right wing gang waging a civil war.
Their leader is an imbecile who thinks he is a Don,
a self proclaimed grand master of the lie, the cheat and con.
Despite their fall, they kept the ball rolling toward anarchy.
Could be too late. They’ll storm the gate and kill democracy.
The fate of our good nation depends on Schiff and Cheney,
presenting information which at times looks simply zany.
The mob that breached the Capital to kill some Democrats
looked like a plan to sink the ship, and these guys were the rats.
If all the planners of this failed coup remain clear and free,
say goodbye to freedom and hello autocracy.