Isolation Nuts

Hey, lets go down to Georgia now it’s open.

We can catch a film and have a meal.
So what if we’ll be sitting in a thicket of the sick.
It really doesn’t seem that big a deal.
You can get your hair done and I can hit the gym.
At last we’ll be back in society.
Of course we might be criticized as rabid or as dim.
But epithets don’t mean that much to me.
Be careful where you wipe your nose,
and look down when you sneeze.
When you get home, just wash your clothes
and spray them with Febreeze.
We’ve been stuck such a long time in the house.
But now we’re told some states have gotten through it.
Our world became a prison cell and quiet as a mouse.
I frankly don’t know how Anne Frank could do it.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.