Coup d’etat 101

One day they’ll teach in public schools
how Republicans were tools
of some evil autocrats,
treating folks like fleas or gnats,
promising the rich more wealth
while the nation lost its health.
They were sneaky. They told lies.
Some of them were even spies.
At their head a demagogue
posed as god but was a cog
in an overarching scheme
to bring down a country’s dream.
They would drill in sacred soil.
Nothing was immune to spoil.
They were always on the take,
called all accusations fake.
Their contempt for all our laws
had the public dropping jaws.
So it was when this cabal
found itself nailed to the wall
citizens sang justice songs.
Traitors were jailed for their wrongs.
History calls it failed coup.
Be aware, they’ll seek re-do.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.