Holiday Fall

N & I had an ice orchestrated tandem fall
as we walked uphill to the car this icy morning.
I’d scraped the hard-ice film off of the car,
but didn’t realize how slippery the ground remained.
Leading N uphill, hand-in-hand, she went down first
and took me with her after a moment’s hesitation
(when I thought I could pull it all back together).
So there we were, on the ice, on our knees,
she, amazingly, unhurt, just downed.
And I tried to readjust, but now I was tractionless in my flip-flops,
she, remarkably, calm, and we orchestrated a ten minute rescue
which, eventually, ended with me pulling her in on a door mat like a sled,
and her crawling into the porch. Where she sat for another ten minutes
laughing and extremely grateful she was not further hurt.
So her breakfast/shopping trip with godmother Anne was cancelled
and we bruised took pain relievers and went to bed.
Awoke both in good spirits (we had high-fived upon arriving indoors)
and have spent the day with cuddling cats and stored-up food.
I’ll venture out tomorrow, in better weather, for food and grog.
N, whose end was some last minute shopping, said,
when down on the ground, "anyone not covered will get checks. "
God bless you, Tiny Tim. God bless you Queen Victoria (in secret).
Happy holiday to you and yours (and any spirits not covered in this message)!

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.