Ecological Suicide Hotline

On a warm night in mid June

by the darkness of new moon.
Some millions of outliers
took the air out of the tires.
When the drivers found out that
all their Goodyears had gone flat,
they responded with a cry,
“Those who did this have to die!”
But they’d always missed the point
that this world was not their joint.
What their cars did to the air
harmed the planet, wasn’t fair.
All the climate change deniers,
those who called scientists liars,
had to pause their thoughtless squawking,
faced now with the threat of walking.
“And the smokestacks will be next.
It’s a new day,” said the text.
Business based on growth and greed
must bow now to worldly need.
If the planet’s to survive,
we must be like bees in hive.
Old lifestyles of buy and waste
must be changed, and with some haste.
Without your cooperation,
planet earth goes on vacation.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.