A Dark Hallmark

Shout out to our heartless king on this valentine's day,
hunkered in his office cutting programs for the poor,
blowing up old monuments that stand in his wall’s way,
insulting all his minions and dominions, to be sure.
The march of broken bodies he’s imagined in his head
will soothe him though he’s prone to sudden rages.
He’ll march them ’til they’re out of sight or most of them are dead.
The ones who make it through, he’ll put in cages.
He celebrates, as usual, with red tie and red hat.
He’ll eat delicious supper from a bucket.
And when his poor advisors come in for their daily chat,
he’ll glance at their synopsis, then he’ll chuck it.
His only ‘friend,’ dear Rudy will deliver candy hearts,
the ones that each contain a funny saying.
It’s the closest that he comes to dabbling in the arts.
Each special heart is stamped with the king’s braying.
There’s “Love is a Wall,” and “Booty on Call,”
and one that says “I (heart) My Daughter.”
He’ll finish the whole bag, then charge for a stall,
and start up his daily tweet slaughter.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.