Going Fishing

Steve Minnowchin is gonna throw some money in,

so you can origami while sequestered.
A thousand paper cranes will not relieve the pains.
Though it might help with boredom that has festered.
For now it’s just green paper, there’s nothing left to buy.
You might as well use it as toiletry.
You could make a funky money suit like David Byrne’s,
so mourners can think, “Funny man, was he.”
Maybe you can pay off roving gangs looking for food,
or buy a gun from someone in an alley.
You can smoke a dollar bill when you get in the mood,
relax and sing the love theme from “Death Valley.”
You can paper bathroom walls with twenty dollar bills
or lounge inside a bathtub full of dimes.
Money coming through the mail may cure a couple ills,
but, ultimately, it will lead to crimes.
Where we gonna go, with our big bucks in tow?
The shelves are empty in most every store.
Maybe you can buy hooch from a dealer in skid row
and lay out drunk for three weeks on your floor.
So, thank you, Steve Minnowchin, for your ultimate concern,
but your stimulus is less than stimulating.
We’re watching out our windows for the whole damn town to burn,
while our mailboxes sit, mouths open, waiting.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.