Another Thirty Days

Trump’s Easter ‘aspiration’ caused lots of consternation.
Now ‘good things’ should be happening by June.
We’ll see ‘the bottom of the hill,” for real or by the force of will.
A hundred thousand will have died too soon.
We now lead the whole world with our high number of infections,
overtaking Spain and the Chinese.
He’s got to clear this up before the upcoming elections,
or else he’ll have to hand Biden the keys.
Twenty-twenty hindsight will not be kind to the world,
the year when we were all sent to our room.
COVID-19 had us in its deadly fingers curled.
We had to read about the gloom and doom.
And as the market crashed and people lashed out at their leaders,
Trump said he played it as a perfect ten.
With his sub-standard team of con men, crooks and bottom-feeders,
he led us through the viral lion’s den.
For all his hoary pomp and and in-your-damned-face lying,
his base remains, amazingly, intact.
He’ll use this as a power point, how he curtailed the dying,
no need for numbers, history or fact.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.