Secret Shake

We sold our masks at markup way before this thing began.

And then we started companies to make them back again.
And now we’re selling cure-all pills and stories without oranges,
all backed up by stacked judges, FOX and Republicanosauruses.
Election’s all but cancelled and the roving gangs assemble.
It’s enough to make an old man cry and children tremble.
Disassembled premises are being hacked together,
thrown out like mere test balloons upon the public weather.
Somewhere there’s a castle below ground where they’ll be hiding,
watching as their public disavows all law abiding.
Guns and fools will be the rules, a game show they will tout.
A lot like fake Survivor but with lots more blood about.
Gun sales and the stock market have just begun their thriving.
Melt your pots and pans to shields if you’ve hope of surviving.
When this is through, the dead man stew is going to fill a lake.
Deep underground in their compound, they’ll do the secret shake.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.