Charter Fool

Betsy DeVos is like expired mental floss.

She founders in the dirt from days gone by.
Her changes to Obama title nine rules have a cost.
It makes rape much more fun if you’re a guy.
This is a “fuck you” moment for the MeToo movement, too.
That rapes go unreported is the fear.
The onus on the male shifts now, it’s on the other shoe.
Brett Cavanaugh is probably boofing beer.
Her roots are in soft money and a righteous christian god.
Her Amway founding husband is her source.
With great love for her country, she intends to bear the rod.
There might be vouchers now for intercourse.
She and her husband own a group of brain performance centers.
She thinks schools should have guns to combat bears.
Her family owns ten yachts. She lists Chris Craft and God as mentors.
Her maiden name, Prince. Hence the crown she wears.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.