Perverted Birdsong

Ducks fly south and geese fly north.
Don’t know why this back and forth.
Hawks fly east and doves fly west.
There’s one bird that flew the best.

THE DODO. Yes, the dodo,
the whole avian kingdom’s Quasimodo.

That bird in his prime was not the chub you see in books.
He flew like a pigeon and his bill was off the hook.
On his isle, there was no vile predator to fear.
So, he gained weight, became ground-bound and drank a lot of beer.

THE DODO. Weep for the dodo.
Modelo, for him, became a no-no.

Dutch landed sailors got them drunk on Grolsch and Amstel Lite.
The birds, grown fat, no longer flew nor put up a good fight.
Extinction now leaves only skulls and bones to understand.
Lewis Carroll gave his face to them in Wonderland.

THE DODO. Say goodbye dodo,
The only one who’s seen one since is Frodo.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.