Lawn Darts

O, welcome back, corona virus briefing,
where T can practice all his oral queefing.
He’ll say again that it will disappear.
And to each question, he’ll turn a blind ear.
He’ll say again tests make the numbers rise,
just like a second-grader in disguise.
When queried if he now will wear a mask,
he’ll answer, “Biden? Thought you’d never ask.”
He’ll talk about his statues and his forts with rebel names.
He’ll skew pandemic numbers and play all his lying games.
Then, bragging how he’ll clear the streets of all the anarchists,
he’ll call enabling Kayleigh who will swoop in with fake lists.
Of course, he’ll denigrate Doc Fauci, that’s his favorite ploy.
And to the COVID vessel, he’ll shrug and say, “Ship ahoy!”
A team of dream fact checkers could not knock him off his horse.
It’s obvious this devil will let virus run its course.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.