Extra Points

“Person, woman, man, camera, t.v.”
“That’s the way to live successfully.”
How do I know? My big test told me so.
What do I know? The law tells me gung ho.
I’ve got the brain to take down all these anarchists and thugs.
It seems I’m coping better with my new dementia drugs.
I realize now my tie should not be hanging to my knees.
I wipe my nose with my face mask most every time I sneeze.
I’m getting COVID-tested at least several times a week.
At least that’s what they tell me when they stick things up my beak.
They say they don’t know how I keep all these things in my head.
I play them back whenever I get off in Lincoln’s bed.
When at the resolute desk, I’m the absolute king shit.
If I should go, they’ll find my name carved several times in it.
This two-term thing has a bad ring. I’ll sign in an extension.
My royal family says elections suck, pay no attention.
Like F.D.R., I’ll be a czar, borne everywhere on litters.
I’ll bring back sports and execute the kneelers and the quitters.
Our country will ally with Russia, with parades and pomp.
It’s my great dream to turn the whole damned world into the swamp.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.