Bumper KKKars

Protestors used as speed bumps has become a current thing.
It’s not just nazi rebels who have gotten in the swing.
Right wingers are now saying run them over with your cars.
It’s something to do of a night while they’ve closed down the bars.
They’ve even made some jokes on line, like being late for work.
Some claim it’s not against the law, even one police force jerk.
In fifty days, there were reported seventy-plus crimes.
In some cases, drivers backed up, tried a few more times.
Some arrested, neo-nazis, klan fans and the like,
can’t be trusted on four wheels, or two wheels, or a trike.
The studies show they come in waves, so beware of tsunami.
As weeks go by, the Constitution’s turned to origami.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.