August Ninth

11:02 a.m., the bomb hit Nagasaki.
Over in America, Betty Boop (1930) was cocky.
Charles Farrell (1900) and Robert Shaw (1927)
were both John Dryden (1631) readers.
Jean Piaget’s (1896) child psych theories
helped out many breeders.
Rod Laver (1938), Aussie, rushed the net.
Whitney Houston (1963) lost her bet.
Bob Cousy (1928), Boston Celtics’ “Cooz,”
gave hockey’s Brett Hull (1964) the Blues.
Ken Norton (1943) once beat old Ali.
We can’t forget Mets’ Tom Agee (1942).
In the late night, sixty-nine, the Manson gang descended.
In ninety-five the Great Jerry Garcia was ascended.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.