Fast Forward

This thing didn’t make folks die.
That was all a great big lie.
History will be amended.
Other truths have been upended.
Oh, sure, we defeated ISIS.
And there was no climate crisis.
Iraq’s WMD’s
were a true fact, if you please.
Iran-Contra did not happen.
That was just the left’s mouth flappin’.
JFK’s assassination:
one man, one gun, no sensation.
All that talk of Great Depression,
made up in a bullshit session.
Now this trend to balk at police,
anarchists’ new golden fleece.
History always re-edits.
That’s how good guys get their credits.
Some facts live and some are buried.
Lies and truth have long been married.
Those who criticize our past
find the future changes fast.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.