Vigilante Justice League

We’re going on a protester hunt,

inspired by that crying killer grunt.
His thoughts on Black Lives Matter
was to cause a bit of splatter,
bloodying Kenosha’s streets,
first kills one and then repeats.
Shot the first one in the back,
but you’ve got to cut him slack.
They were out to take his gun.
That would not have been much fun.
After two he shot a third.
We must take him at his word.
Thought he was in mortal danger,
chased by cursing unarmed stranger.
Yes, he really had to kill.
Helping police out was a thrill.
In his trial he beat each charge,
crying tears to float a barge.
White folks don’t care what he did.
Come and get your gun back, kid.
Militias everywhere, unite!
Join the weeping gunman’s fight.
Radicals best hold your breath.
Punishment for protest’s death.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.