The Elder

I’m flabby philosophically.
I’ve joined a cigar band.
We smoke while playing tubas.
The bland must lead the bland.

I cater now to no one.
It’s later than I think.
I’d rather read than eat, alas,
But can’t give up the drink.

I’ve watched in sheer amazement
The dear departed leave,
Then come back just to decompose
Each tenet I believe.

The history of progress
Has doubled back, it seems.
We’re raking leaves from long-dead trees,
And piling them on dreams.

At night, I disassemble,
Re-gather in the morn.
Two times of three, I favor glee.
But sometimes I’m forlorn.

It helps to have good friendships.
A pet is handy, too.
This ‘elderly’ is new to me.
We do what we must do.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.