Fatal Flaw

His castle in Palm Beach, 
called ‘Mar-a-Lago,’ (Sea to Lake),
was home to secret documents
he had no right to take.
Some with top priority,
like info about nukes,
were hidden in a basement
club accessible to kooks.
When asked to give them back,
he didn’t even offer half.
To him, the notion ‘classified’
was nothing but a laugh.
Confronted with an FBI raid
taking back the haul, 
he gave the following excuse
(the man has lots of gall):
“Every President steals things
when forced to leave their post.
So what if I stole a few things.
Obama took the most.”
The man has no conception
 of the notion of the law.
One hopes this proof of treason
just might be his final flaw.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.