Cartoon Matrimony

Pebbles married Pogo and upgraded to a swamp.
Scooby Doo and Snoopy had a wedding with much pomp.
Daisy Duck wed Road Runner; it happened much too fast.
Sluggo married Orphan Annie; it’ll never last.
Dennis hitched with Lucy and got into S&M.
Elroy Jetson/ Little Lulu; hey, good luck to them.
Archie did choose Betty, left Veronica in tears.
Dilbert married Mary Worth; he’d had too many beers.
Dora the Explorer ran away with Richie Rich.
Underdog at last made Pretty Polly his true bitch.
Steve Canyon finally came to earth, eloped with Brenda Starr.
Daffy Duck, en route to chapel, got hit by a car.
Tinker Bell (this hurts like hell) wed crazed Woody Woodpecker.
Betty Boop and Alley Oop bought their first double decker.
Sure, there’s guys who’ll never marry, just to name a few:
Bluto, Beetle Bailey, Goofy, Hulk, Mister Magoo.
And many a cartoon woman will stay an old maid,
sure the Jugheads of their world simply don’t make the grade.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.