Reincarnation Blues

I was standin’ on the cusp of a whole new cycle.
I had made it to the mountaintop, was talkin’ straight to Michael,
when a big wind up and tumbled me down like a human sack
and I woke up to discover I was three lives back.
Three lives back. I was a caped crusader.
Three lives back. I didn’t know Ralph Nader.
I worked each day just like a dog but only made serf wages.
And once a year I might eat hog. I hate the Middle Ages!
A man works ten lives to evolve and seems to be on track.
But one bad break and, "Sorry, Jake," he wakes up three lives back.
Three lives back. I’ll miss my comfy houses.
Three lives back. I’ll have to live with louses.
The only benefit I see so far is peasant blouses.
And three lives back, I did have several spouses.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.