
Sancho, Pancho, Gabby, Tonto:
sidekicks, summoned, arrived pronto.
Some were old and some were flabby.
Some were both: we mentioned Gabby.
Some had wheels, most rode a horse.
Not all were western types, of course.
Matt Dillon had the limping Chester,
Addams Family, Uncle Fester.
Comics had sidekicks as well.
Johnny joked, Ed laughed like hell.
Letterman had Paul with glasses.
Clouseau’s Kato kicked some asses.
Fred Flintstone had neighbor Barney.
Jackie Gleason had Art Carney.
Maverick had his brother Bart.
Batman’s Robin dressed pop art.
Moe the Stooge had fall guy Curly.
Laverne loved her best pal Shirley.
Lewis joked while Martin sang.
Jesse James had his whole gang.
George had Gracie, Desi, Lu.
Shaggy needed Scooby Doo.
Mary hung next door with Rhoda.
Luke had Jedi Master Yoda.
Clarabell was Howdy’s jester.
Jack Benny bounced jokes off Rochester.
Tinker Bell was Peter’s fairy.
George Costanza bothered Jerry.
Rocky loved Bullwinkle’s schtick.
Tarzan/ Cheeta: that was sick.
Entertainment breeds sidekicks.
Let’s not talk of politics.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.