Hanks For The Memories

Forrest Gump’s down in the dumps,

got chills, starting to shiver.
Captain Sully, quarantined,
says go jump in the river.
Sheriff Woody feels no goody,
cannot catch his breath.
Jimmy Dugan, from the bench,
feels like he’s caught his death.
Even Mister Rogers
can’t roam through the neighborhood.
And Joe, who fought volcanos,
admits he don’t feel too good.
Scott Turner misses Hooch,
but he would rather see a nurse.
And Josh, the boy who once got “Big,”
now claims he feels much worse.
Sam Baldwin, from Seattle,
says he still has trouble sleeping.
And Charlie Wilson won his war,
but feels the virus creeping.
Even the conductor on the great Polar Express
has cancelled his train run because
he’s feeling quite a mess.
Captain Richard Phillips,
who by pirates was hijacked,
is on a respirator, by COVID-19 attacked.
Chuck Noland, once a “Cast Away,”
now wishes he had stayed that way.
You can’t get virus, none at all,
if your one friend’s a soccer ball.
Lastly, Joe Fox, who’s “Got Mail,”
can’t get to the box, too frail.
Take care of yourself, Tom Hanks.
We love you and offer thanks.
You and Rita, both get well.
You’ve got lots more tales to tell.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.