The Man Who Made Today Famous?

Trump’s all over the news today,

trying to crowd out Juneteenth in his not so subtle way.
There’s even talk of what he knows of Roswell UFO’s,
his nazi signs on twitter and the pouches in his nose.
Manipulated video he posted was removed.
His mail-in-voting rants ramp up as if he was behooved.
The ralliers in Tulsa have been lined up for a week.
Some are there to touch his garment, some to hear him speak.
It’s turned into an all-day fest with stages in and out.
The BOK Center indoors will be a petri dish, no doubt.
And if he loses voters to the virus with his show,
he won’t care, he hates them, as not many seem to know.
He’s emphasized tomorrow will be one “hell of a night.”
For some it’s swell, for others, hell. Maybe he got that right.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.