No Justice

Of course he had her killed on Rosh Hashanah.
He likes to mar big dates with evil deeds.
And killing of the Democrats’ madonna
had become uppermost amongst his needs.
We might see Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court.
Or maybe Big Bill Barr or Judge Jeanine.
Moscow Mitch will bitch that time is so short
his men must rush this through, know what I mean?
The fate of Merrick Garland does not matter.
That was a matter from a different time.
This justice will be named despite the splatter.
Yes, it’s amoral, but it’s not a crime.
The lives of our grandchildren will be tainted
for decades by our mad king’s justice picks.
Their future, bleak already, will be painted
by one crazy rich man’s dirty tricks.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.