January Sicks

They arrived en masse, the January sicks ,
summoned, all, to the White House ellipse.
They listened to their master for an hour,
explain that he’d been cheated out of power.
His one intention simply was to coax
his fans: he’d been the victim of a ‘hoax.’
He told them to march Pennsylvania Ave.
and show the patriotic guts they have.
He said if he was removed from D.C.,
it meant the death of our democracy.
He claimed he’d need at least another term
to make this country’s reputation firm.
And, as if it made any lick of sense,
he blamed his troubles all on V.P. Pence.
“Just hang the man if he won’t change the vote.
It’s obvious he’s become a turncoat.
I may not be beside you,
but let my spirit guide you.
It’s time, Republicans, to rock the boat.”
And then he went and watched it on t.v.,
while drinking Coke and eating K.F.C.
It was the perfect diet to watch a growing riot.
He gloated. “They are doing this for me!”
His kids and colleagues plead for him to stop.
There were a couple dead, even a cop.
But he just let it go, his favorite heroes show,
thinking he’d get his place back at the top.
He watched it for two hours, we are told,
until the insurrection was controlled.
Then, finally, pretending now to care,
he agreed to a minute on the air,
and thanked his charges for being so bold.
“We love you. Go in peace.
Looks like they broke my lease.
But I’ll be back for more.
See you in twenty-four.”
Next time, it will be better engineered,
the fixed outcome which many people feared.
This may have been the last election season
untouched by voting tricks and downright treason.

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.