Carnac Homage II

60’s "Fifth Beatle" DJ, turned dentist: Murray Decay
Wild west folk hero with esophageal spasms: Wild Bill Hiccup
Ball club made up of little Cratchits: Tiny Team
Disney memorabilia above the fireplace: Mickey Mantlepiece
Ex Supreme Court judge becomes ruler of England: Warren Berger King
If Kong had freed captive animals: Ape Lincoln
Fractured arm supports and spray cans: slings and aerosols
Mouth big enough to fit a Duncan: Yoyo Maw
Walk softly and carry loopless pants: Theodore Sans a Belt
Beaver Cleaver actor, really stoned: Cottonmouth Mather
"Goodbye Columbus" author’s vineyard pride: Grapes of Roth
Marshall Wyatt, 50’s funnyman Ed & Amelia Earhart: Earp, Wynne and Flyer
Attic steps collapsed onto former first family: "Stairs Fell On All Obamas"
Sneaked looks at identical babies: Twin Peeks
Where Mr. Franklin wore his corsage: Benjamin Buttonhole
What Yoda said when Sean Coombs urinated behind his hut: "Pee, did he?"
Pollinating insect’s weekly calendar book: bee fifty-two
Fifth president moves to Baltimore: Maryland Monroe
Most popular Irish name north of U.S. border: O’Canada
Fletcher Christian hires devils to help in Bounty mutiny: "I’ll Get Bligh
With a Little Help From My Fiends"
Ladies who wash snot rags in large vats: Hankie Tank Women
"Water Music" accompanied by sickly-sweet cartoon ursine dancers:
Handel with Care Bears
Preferring sunburn to straight talk: "I’d rather be red than dead serious"
It’s not SNL actor Chase, but someone who annoys me: He ain’t Chevy,
he’s my bother
Why a man keeps his sock puppet parrot in the freezer: To Chill a Stocking Bird
The horrid also’s: terrible too’s
Mother sheep’s distress cry: Ewe Howl
Counting off shore birds: tern, tern, tern
Dr. Seuss breakfast for tortured Danes: Green Eggs and Hamlet
NASA bought these space walk essentials at the childhood home of the savior:
G-Suits of Nazareth
The cul de sac where cows are struck with ball peens: Moo Hammered Alley
Ms. Farrow in NY’s most contemporary gallery: MOMA Mia
Favorite inn of John Wayne and Dodger slugger Snider: Put Up Your Dukes
Daffy sings while musical mates play versions of popular songs: Duck and Cover band
Underwater sport hairstyle: scuba do
"Walking After Midnight" singer’s final altitude change: Patsy decline
Favorite kids’ drink at the Indiana Jones Theme Park: Shirley Temple of Doom
Thinking man’s favorite thermally-insulated clothing brand: Cerebral Gore Tex
How Harpo Marx played Sir Galahad: silent knight
Sickest position on a football team: sneeze guard
Contact influenza from a door opener: flu off the handle
Shade of blue favored in both Minneapolis and St. Paul: teal of two cities
Dark Taylor: semi sweet Baby James
Where the Pink Panther kept his wine: Peter’s cellar
Ancient Egyptian ruler’s spigot: Pharaoh faucet
CBS newscaster Dan’s special tie skill: Rather knot
Scientific phenomenon wherein really bad jazz pulls you down: Kenny G force
Dogs’ all-time favorite game show host: Bob Barker
What Patriots head coach calls his daily monitoring of midriff girth: Bill’s belly check
Before cutting hair, Delilah always served her men this special juice blend: O.J. Sampson
She sang loudly and lived under the sea: Ethel Mermaid

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I'm a writer living in Massachusetts.